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 Notification of Legal Matters

Ownership of Intellectual Property
Appaloosa Springs Audio Theater and its affiliate Appaloosa Radio Productions broadcast original story content by means of the Web. Story content is webcast with the explicit permission of the material’s author and in the form and structure provided by the author.
In webcasting this material, no claims of ownership and/or of use rights (including all copyright rights) are made by either Appaloosa Springs Audio Theater or its affiliate Appaloosa Radio Productions. All ownership and/or use rights remain solely with the material’s original author.
At any time for any reason, an author may request the removal of their original content from the Website. Appaloosa Springs Audio Theater and its affiliate Appaloosa Radio Productions must comply with the request within three working days of its receipt.

Works of Fiction
Appaloosa Springs Audio Theater and its affiliate Appaloosa Radio Productions primarily webcast works of original, literary fiction as provided by the material’s author.
It is the intent of literary fiction to create a story with an engrossing plot using engaging characters within a believable context. However, authors of literary fiction must avoid the use of any “false and unprivileged publication by writing, printing, picture, effigy, or other fixed representation to the eye, which exposes any person to hatred, contempt, ridicule or obloquy, or which causes him to be shunned or avoided or which has a tendency to injure him in his occupation.” (Civil Code § 45)
Authors are herewith warned to avoid creating works of literary fiction that expose any person to any of the conditions listed above.
It is the explicit intent of Appaloosa Springs Audio Theater and its affiliate Appaloosa Radio Productions to webcast only stories that are in accord with the provisions of Civil Code § 45.

Privacy Notifications
No personal or private information will be collected or retained by this Website. There are no “cookies” or other data-gathering devises.

Terms of Use
This site is designed for the personal use of its viewers and listeners. However, its contents may be shared within clubs, study groups, classrooms, or discussion forums. No charge is made for such uses.

Limitations on Content
Appaloosa Springs Audio Theater and its affiliate Appaloosa Radio Productions will not webcast obscene or sexually explicit content. Writers are strongly encouraged to avoid offensive or excessive profanity.