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A collection of original Science Fiction stories.

. A-a ar 44-070-256,  Lauren’s personal  “EeKK//”


The General Strike

featuring – A-a ar 44-070-256,  Lauren’s “EeKK//”

Imagine a time (in the not-too-distant future) when EeKK//s do all the work.

In this episode, Lauren joins a “General Strike” to protest a grave social injustice, and 44-070-256 has to take swift action to prevent harm coming to her.

City of 4,000 Spies


A collection of science fiction stories featuring Noble Son, Dusko Rarrko, the Director of Clandestine Operations for the Dominion of Sassko in the Epsilon-B Quadrant.  As his father, the Great Nobleman explained: “In contrast to the gigantic military complexes of the two dominant powers, the Kingdom Gje and the Empire Sha Yot, our beloved Sassko is the merest of specks. A proverbial fly that could be swatted away with the merest brush of military action.  My father’s fathers, the Great Noblemen before me have long known of our weakness. As a result, we have chosen to cast ourselves as a neutral among the great powers. But being neutral does not mean being passive. We will decisively act in ways that better the interests of Sassko.”


We welcome submissions!