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A collection of original Science Fiction stories.



By M. L. Edson

The last pomegranate wept from the desolate tree.

Its once brilliant reds had turned to black,  and brittle twigs twisted through the papery foliage.

But the awaited tears evaporated before reaching the ground. the terrain longed for any moisture to touch its soil and yearned for life to re-enter,

to sprout the dormant seeds waiting within.

Cloudless skies of relentless blue  hung like an arid desert above the dying fields.

Furrows of rock and pebble and wisps of dust  wound through the infertile terrain.

The world was devoid of optimism  with nothing left to propagate the soil.

Naught remained to replenish the  inhabitants, no expectation, no hope —

Only a future filled with despair accosts each day. A-a ar 44-070-256,  Lauren’s personal  “EeKK//”


The General Strike

featuring – A-a ar 44-070-256,  Lauren’s “EeKK//”

Imagine a time (in the not-too-distant future) when EeKK//s do all the work.

In this episode, Lauren joins a “General Strike” to protest a grave social injustice, and 44-070-256 has to take swift action to prevent harm coming to her.

City of 4,000 Spies


A collection of science fiction stories featuring Noble Son, Dusko Rarrko, the Director of Clandestine Operations for the Dominion of Sassko in the Epsilon-B Quadrant.  As his father, the Great Nobleman explained: “In contrast to the gigantic military complexes of the two dominant powers, the Kingdom Gje and the Empire Sha Yot, our beloved Sassko is the merest of specks. A proverbial fly that could be swatted away with the merest brush of military action.  My father’s fathers, the Great Noblemen before me have long known of our weakness. As a result, we have chosen to cast ourselves as a neutral among the great powers. But being neutral does not mean being passive. We will decisively act in ways that better the interests of Sassko.”


We welcome submissions!