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Announcing . . .

Appaloosa Radio invites creators to share their stories, projects, and achievements with the world through “blurbs”. A “blurb” is a short message that you can use to:

  • Showcase your latest work
  • Announce new ventures
  • Celebrate your successes
  • Seek collaborations

You can include images, text, links, and contact information in your “blurb”. Your message will be posted on Appaloosa Radio for three months and reach a wide audience of agents, publishers, sponsors, and fellow creators.

Creating a “blurb” is easy and free. You have up to 260 words to express yourself and connect with others.

Recent “Blurbs” from the Creative Community

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Submit an Announcement Blurb -

Appaloosa Radio invites creators to share their stories, projects, and achievements with the world through our online  “blurbs.” Send us your blurb with all of the particulars, including links, images, and text. Rember that you have only 260 words to share your message.